The Jewish Home as Illuminated by Kabbalah and Chassidus vol 1

The Jewish Home as Illuminated by Kabbalah and Chassidus vol 1
$25.00 $23.75

Availability: In Stock 3 items
Product Code: b212

We spend a great part of our lives building a Jewish home. Our dearest wish is to interact with our spouses in a Jewish manner and to provide our children with a warm and supportive ambiance in which they can blossom and flourish.
Th Jewish Home offers a unique appreciation of the mystical and chassidic meaning of sharing our lives with our spouses, and building a home that stands on the firm foundation of Torah and mitzvos.
Applying this book's blueprint to our daily interactions will immeasurably enhance our personal lives, our marriages, and the lives of our children.
CLICK HERE for Volume 2
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